Nanotechnology in Sunscreens: Cancer Risk
In previous articles we looked at sunscreen factors (SPFs) and their possible health risks and we looked at the use of nanotechnology in the cosmetics industry. Today, scientists from the CSIRO have shown, under laboratory conditions, that nano particles of metal oxides (as used in sunscreen lotions) can penetrate cells and damage DNA.
Below is a transcript from the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) reporting on the potential cancer risk resulting from the use of nanotechnology in sunscreen lotions.
Safety concerns over high-tech sunscreens
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Broadcast: 17/12/2008
Reporter: Kirstin Murray
Nanotechnology has been a revolutionary science utilised to improve water supplies, screen for viruses and increase durability in food among its other uses. Nanoscience has also been used to produce products such as stain resistant clothing and is often found in cosmetic products such as anti-ageing creams and sunscreen. With this technology being so widely used, questions are being raised as to how safe nanotechnology is in products that are rubbed directly onto human skin.
HEATHER EWART, PRESENTER: The revolutionary science of nanotechnology, which engineers tiny particles the size of an atom, has transformed the world we live in. And within two years, it's expected to be a $1 trillion industry. Scientists have used the technology to improve water supplies, increase the durability of food, screen for viruses and create new forms of drug delivery. It's not surprising the cosmetics industry has seen the appeal, with nano particles now common ingredients of many anti-ageing creams, hair products and sunscreen.
But how safe is nanotechnology in products that are rubbed directly onto human skin?
Read the full article "Nanotechnology in Sunscreens, Noisturisers and Anti-Ageing Creams - a Cancer Risk" and find out the potential risks of using products containing these modified molecules.
It's not worth the risk. Use natural skin care products that do not contain modified, synthesised or manipulated ingredients in them
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